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Cryptome In
Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 1998

sec062998.htm      Payne v. NSA: Judge on Classified NSA Declaration June 30, 1998
whp063098.htm      Payne v. NSA: Response to Motion to Remand FOIA   June 30, 1998
skipjack-bs2.htm   More SKIPJACK Analysis by Biham, Shamir et al     June 30. 1998
eo-armsexport.htm  Executive Order on Arms Export Control            June 30, 1998

nsiad-98-211.htm   Export Controls: Communications Satellites        June 30, 1998
atf063098.txt      ATF Notices on Firearms Control                   June 30, 1998
dtsa062598.htm     DTSA's Role in Critical Technology Exports        June 29, 1998
nsa-press.htm      NSA Press Release on SKIPJACK and KEA             June 29, 1998
efa-call.htm       Call to Abolish Australian Crypto Controls        June 29, 1998

aes-links.htm      AES Related Links                                 June 29, 1998
dot061798.htm      National ID-Driver's License                      June 29, 1998
fcc062998.txt      Advanced Telecomm Technology Experiments          June 29, 1998
trea062998.txt     International Boycott Countries                   June 29, 1998
epa062998.txt      Lucent Technologies' EPA Project XL               June 29, 1998

oz-crypto.htm      Cryptography: Brute Force Attack!                 June 29, 1998
cn-sat-aid.htm     Security Violations by Sat Makers Aided Chinese   June 27, 1998
cia-hires.htm      C.I.A. Hires Record Number of New Spies           June 27, 1998
usa062698.htm      Payne v. NSA: US on Classified NSA Declaration    June 27, 1998
usa062298.htm      Payne v. NSA: US Motion on FOIA for NSA Algos     June 27, 1998

cm061898.htm       Enigma and SS98                                   June 27, 1998
de-nix.htm         German Parliament Nixes Crypto Ban                June 27, 1998
navahode.htm       Navaho Code Expert Dies                           June 26, 1998
gak-fails.htm      US Effort on Encryption "Backdoors" Fails         June 26, 1998
rsa-pkcs1.htm      RSA Analysis of PKCS #1 Attack                    June 26, 1998

skipjack-jg.htm    SKIPJACK in Java                                  June 25, 1998
cia062498.htm      CIA Head Testifies on Cyber Terrorism             June 25, 1998
disa-pki.htm       DISA PKI Standards Home Page                      June 25, 1998
itar-over.htm      An Argument That ITAR Are Invalid                 June 25, 1998
skipjack-bs.htm    SKIPJACK Analysis by Biham, Shamir et al          June 25, 1998

skipjack-spec.htm  SKIPJACK/KEA Algorithm Specs (HTML 351K)          June 25, 1998  SKIPJACK/KEA Algorithm Specs (Zipped 295K)        June 25, 1998
sorm-fsb-ru.htm    SORM: New Ex-KGB Moves in Telecom                 June 25, 1998
cia-hackers.htm    CIA Head Foresees Better Hackers                  June 25, 1998
ammobile-stu.htm   American Mobile Offers STU-III Sat Service        June 25, 1998

cell-comint.htm    Cell Phone COMINT                                 June 25, 1998
calea-2000.htm     House Extends Digital Wiretap Deadline to 2000    June 25, 1998
frb-ep-y2k.htm     Fed Reserve on Y2K Problem for Financial Sector   June 25, 1998
skipjack-cp.txt    SKIPJACK Implementation C. Plumb                  June 24, 1998
skipjack-mab.htm   SKIPJACK Difference Distribution Table M. Blaze   June 24, 1998

skipjack-pem.txt   SKIPJACK Implementation P. Metzger                June 24, 1998
emi-money.htm      EMI Opinion on Issuance of Electronic Money       June 24, 1998
skipjack-uk.htm    SKIPJACK Implemented and Tested M. Kuhn           June 24, 1998
skipjack-fi.htm    SKIPJACK Running in Finland                       June 24, 1998
nsa-daguio.htm     Daguio on NSA Declassified Algos                  June 24, 1998

nsa062398.htm      NSA Declassifies Encryption Formulas              June 24, 1998
bxa-ind-pak.htm    Sanctions/Export Controls on India and Pakistan   June 24, 1998
jdb-gb062398.htm   Jim Bell's Conditions of Probation, Appeal        June 23, 1998
us-cn-gang.htm     Official US Delegation to China (+1500)           June 23, 1998
daley062298.htm    Commerce's Daley 6/22 Remarks on E-Commerce       June 23, 1998

jdb062298.htm      Jim Bell Rearrested                               June 23, 1998
openbsd.htm        OpenBSD Project: BSD + Crypto                     June 23, 1998
hd105-272.htm      International Crime Control Act of 1998           June 23, 1998
csspab062398.txt   Request for Nominations: Comp Sec/Privacy Board   June 23, 1998
nai-verisign.htm   Network Associates and VeriSign Partner           June 23, 1998

ntia-priv.htm      NTIA Privacy Conference                           June 23, 1998
usps-dom.htm       US Postal Service Floats Plan for US Domain       June 22, 1998
dos062298.htm      State Cites Plastic Explosives Marking Convention June 22, 1998
iaea060198.htm     IAEA Says Iraq Nuclear File Not Closed            June 22, 1998

dpa-news2.htm      More on Kocher's Smart Card Crack + DC News       June 22, 1998
jdb062198.htm      Jim Bell Update                                   June 22, 1998
epic98.htm         EPIC Cryptography Conference Report /MO           June 22, 1998
jdbfiles.htm       Jim Bell Files                                    June 21. 1998
teos.htm           The End of Secrecy                                June 20, 1998

au-crypto.htm      AU Crypto Heating Up Over CryptoMozilla           June 20, 1998
nyc-germ.htm       NYC Girding for Deadly Germ Attack by Terrorists  June 20, 1998
cm062098.htm       EU Spy Satellites                                 June 20, 1998
corba.htm          CORBA Security                                    June 20, 1998
crystina.htm       CrySTINA Security                                 June 20, 1998

rc6.htm            Ron Rivest's RC6 - New Cipher for AES             June 20, 1998
crowds114.htm      Update of Crowds by Reiter and Rubin              June 19, 1998
jr463.txt          Setup of Select Committee on NatSec/China (268K)  June 19, 1998
dos061998-2.txt    State to Report on American Indigenes Rights      June 19, 1998
dos061998.txt      State Redefines Drug War                          June 19, 1998

fbi042998.htm      FBI International Law Enforcement Initiatives     June 18, 1998
kobrin.htm         The End of National Markets                       June 18, 1998
blum-ibc.htm       Global Business Corps Tool of Money Launderers    June 18, 1998
dod061898.htm      Lodal Testimony on China Satellite Exports        June 18, 1998
dos061898.htm      Holum Testimony on China Satellite Exports        June 18, 1998

bxa061898.htm      Reinsch Testimony on Satellite Export Policy      June 18, 1998
senate-crypto.txt  Senators Challenge US Encryption Policy           June 18, 1998
ntia061898.txt     NTIA Meeting on Privacy in E-Commerce             June 18, 1998
czech-crypto.htm   Czech Republic Crypto Law Update                  June 16, 1998
doj-warren.htm     DoJ's Warren Testimony on Anti-Money Laundering   June 16, 1998

occ-serino.htm     OCC's Serino Testimony on Anti-Money Laundering   June 16, 1998
dos-winer.htm      State's Winer Testimony on Global Money Launder'g June 16, 1998
frb-biern.htm      FRB's Biern Testimony on Anti-Money Laundering    June 16, 1998
treas-kelly.htm    DoT's Kelly Testimony on Operation Casablanca     June 16, 1998
fbi-nipc.htm       FBI NIPC Plan to Counter Cyber Threats            June 16, 1998

serpent.htm        Serpent, AES Submission: Anderson Biham Knudsen   June 15, 1998
usa061298.htm      Payne/Morales v. NSA: US Duns $625 Bar Tab        June 15, 1998
dgsfiles.htm       Using FOIA and APA: The Case of US Army STRICOM   June 15, 1998
net-flaws.htm      Two Big Internet Flaws: Privacy and Crypto        June 15, 1998
twofish.htm        Schneier: Twofish, AES Submission, Available      June 14, 1998

pgp-outlook.htm    PGP Plug-In for Outlook 98                        June 13, 1998
td105-49.txt       Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Arms    June 13, 1998
hr4005-hv.htm      House Passes Money Laundering Bills               June 13, 1998
hr4005.txt         Money Laundering Deterrence Act of 1998           June 13, 1998
hr1756.txt         Money Laundering/Financial Crimes Act of 1997     June 13, 1998

af-infotarg.htm    USAF: Targeting in the Information Age            June 12, 1998
arm061298.htm      Morales Case Dockets 10th USCA                    June 12, 1998
whp061098.htm      Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of April 30, 1998   June 12, 1998
whp060998.htm      Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of May 21, 1998     June 12, 1998
jfk061298.txt      Assassination Records Actions                     June 12, 1998

bxa061298.txt      Exports of Humanitarian Goods/Services to Cuba    June 12, 1998
bsa-ke-cost        $7.7B Cost of Government-Driven Key Escrow        June 11, 1998 
rsa-cbterr.htm     South African Chemical-Biological Terrorism       June 11, 1998
nsa-sa.htm         FOIA: South African Crypto Export, NSA, GCHQ      June 11, 1998
af-intel.htm       USAF Sources of Intelligence                      June 11, 1998

af-33-pubs.htm     USAF E-Pubs: Communications and Information       June 11, 1998
af-14-pubs.htm     USAF E-Pubs: Intelligence                         June 11, 1998
cls-update.htm     Crypto Law Survey Update                          June 11, 1998
dod061198.txt      DFAR Antiterrorism Training                       June 11, 1998
natsec-brief.htm   National Security Briefing                        June 11, 1998

us-drug-war.htm    US Drug War Briefing                              June 11, 1998
prez-6m-terr.htm   President's 6-Month Report on Terrorism           June 11, 1998
twa800-alt.htm     Prof. Spins Alternate TWA 800 Theory              June 10, 1998
cnspy-tiz.htm      Terminal Project Caught up in CN Spy Tiz /A       June 10, 1998
victim-trak.htm    Personal Satellite Trackers Are Victims /A        June 10, 1998

nsa-gomez.htm      Gomez on Secret Military Sites                    June 10, 1998
nsa-debunk.htm     NSA Critics Debunked                              June 10, 1998
dc-netlaw.htm      The Law and the Internet: Beware                  June 10, 1998
pgpi-x-ru.htm      PGP International Opens RU Crypto                 June 10, 1998

bxa061098.txt      Rule on Effect of Imported Items on Nat Sec       June 10, 1998
fcc061098-2.txt    RFC: Rule on Global Mobile PC Satellite MRA       June 10, 1998
fcc061098.txt      RFC: Rule on Cellphone Intercepts                 June 10, 1998
fbi-hitechs.htm    FBI and Hi-Techs Hard Head Crypto                 June 10, 1998
dpa-news.htm       Cryptographers Reveal 'Smart Cards' Flaws /A      June 10, 1998

dpa.htm            Paul Kocher: Differential Power Analysis          June 9, 1998
DIRT-spy.htm       DIRT Spying at SpookTech 98                       June 9, 1998
hr695-bereut.txt   Rep. Bereuter: Unnecessary Crypto Fight           June 9, 1998
pecsenc060998.htm  Prez's Export Council Subcomm on Crytpo Meet      June 9, 1998
ustr060998.txt     RFC: US-EU Transatlantic Economic Partnership     June 9, 1998

itac060998.txt     International Telecomm Advisory Committee Meets   June 9, 1998
warm-spit.htm      Encryption Debate Heats Up in Washington /A       June 9, 1998
ss-upheave.htm     Security Services Market Structure Upheaves /A    June 8, 1998

pecsenc042398.htm  Prez's Export Council Subcomm on Crypto Report    June 8, 1998
risks98.htm        Update to "Risks of Key Recovery" Report          June 8, 1998
nai-x-fr.htm       NAI Restricts Crypto, Breaks French/EU Law        June 8, 1998
cyberwar2-0.htm    Cyberwar 2.0: Myths, Mysteries and Reality        June 8, 1998
iq-biofears.htm    Pre-Gulf-War Discovery Raised Germ Warfare Fears  June 7, 1998 

nsa-f83-view.htm   Menwith Hill Base - Spy Station F83 Illustated    June 7, 1998
y2k-ru-war.htm     U.S. Fears Y2K May Spook Russian Forces           June 6, 1998
coe-datpriv.htm    Council of Europe: Data Privacy on the Internet   June 6, 1998
vs-msie-fix.htm    VeriSign Plans MSIE Security Fix                  June 5, 1998

daley-oped.htm     Commerce Secretary: Satellites, Exports, NatSec   June 5, 1998
hr2281-opp.htm     EFF and ACLU Protest WIPO Copyright Bill          June 5, 1998
cisco-bug.htm      Cisco Crypto Bug                                  June 5, 1998
sigintours.htm     SIGINT Tours                                      June 5, 1998
ntia060598.txt     RFC: Self-Regulation of Online Privacy            June 5, 1998

ssa060598.txt      Social Security Gets Crypto Waivers               June 5, 1998
uscs060598.txt     U.S. Customs Rules and Meet                       June 5, 1998
bud-avbsp.htm      A Violation of Basic Security Protocol            June 5, 1998
pgpmedia-v-nsi.txt PGP Media v. Network Solutions Docket             June 4, 1998
doj060498.txt      Tracking Shooters                                 June 4, 1998

atf060498.txt      Tracking Bombers                                  June 4, 1998
nist-fkmi.htm      NIST Offers Draft FIPS for FKMI Documents         June 4, 1998
FIPS698.txt        Draft FIPS for Key Recovery Standard (222K)       June 4, 1998
cardis98.htm       CARDIS 98: Smart Card Research                    June 3, 1998
ic-scour.htm       U.S. Intelligence Agencies Need Scour             June 3, 1998

un-bioterr.htm     U.S. Unprepared for Bioterrorism                  June 3, 1998
dia060398.txt      DIA Secret Meetings                               June 3, 1998
jfk060298.txt      RFC on Assassinations Records Final Report        June 2, 1998
eo13086-7.txt      EO Amending Manual for Courts Martial+ (150K)     June 2, 1998
hr3489.txt         Internet Tax Freedom Act                          June 2, 1998

dod-satcomm.htm    Defense Satellite Communications Contracts        June 1, 1998
dms-tmd.htm        DMS - Technical Management Division               June 1, 1998
fipr.htm           Foundation for Information Policy Research        June 1, 1998
tina-sec.htm       Security in Tina                                  June 1, 1998
rsa-nai-kiss.htm   RSA and NAI Settle Lawsuit                        June 1, 1998

thawte-weak.htm    Thawte Digital ID: Weak Keys for S/MIME           June 1, 1998
fbi-techs.htm      FBI and Tech Execs Will Meet On Crypto            June 1, 1998
nsa-f83.htm        NSA Spy Station F83                               June 1, 1998
jfk060198.txt      Assassination Records Actions                     June 1, 1998
doe060198.txt      DOE Cases Filed March 2-6, 1998                   June 1, 1998

Offsite Links---------------------------------------------------------------------

DSD Crack          AU Defence In Encryption Crackdown /DT            June 30, 1998
Law House 6        US Federal Court Decisions and Rules              June 30, 1998
NM Pilot           NM Pilot Project for Court Electronic Filing      June 30, 1998

LS on EU-DSD       UK Law Society on EU Dig Sig Directive /NB        June 30, 1998
EU Dig Sig         EU Digital Signature Directive /SK                June 30, 1998
CU ID              Federal National ID /DM                           June 27, 1998
Froomkin           Encrypted Messages Ensure Privacy /MF             June 25, 1998
Spyrus             Spyrus Offers FORTEZZA Crypto Library/Conference  June 25, 1998

C-J                Crypto-Jews /DN                                   June 24, 1998
IET 21             Leveraging Intelligent/Emerging Technology Conf.  June 24, 1998
Skipjack KEA       Skipkack and KEA Algos Available /ER              June 24, 1998
NSA Schemes        NSA Frees Secret Crypto Schemes /JG               June 24, 1998
LV Lounge          The Block Cipher Lounge - AES                     June 24, 1998

Dial-Up Anon       New Dial-Up Anonymizer Service /A                 June 23, 1998
Microsoft Win      DC Circuit Decides For Microsoft /JT              June 23, 1998
review-privacy.pdf S. Baker/P. Neumann: "Privacy on the Line" (91K)  June 23, 1998
Spy Sat            Duncan Campbell: New Online Spy Sat Photos /A     June 23, 1998
BXA Secrets        President's crypto-committee meets in secret /DM  June 23, 1998

Entrust Goes       Entrust Goes Public /SO                           June 22, 1998
Cash Info          First Crop of U.S. Info-Warriors Cash In /DG      June 22, 1998
DPA Articles       Articles on Kocher's Smart Card Crack /IG         June 22, 1998
Hamre6598          DoD Official on Cyber Threats /WK                 June 22, 1998
gg98108.pdf        FinCEN Must Speed Money-Launder Penalties (212K)  June 22, 1998

NCSC               NCSC: Commercial Product Evaluations              June 21, 1998
Onion              Onion Routing /LG                                 June 21, 1998
E-Mail             E-Mail Privacy /NRL                               June 21, 1998
AU Crypto          FTP Archives of AU Crypto Mail List /JA           June 20, 1998
LOKI97             Lawrie Brown: The LOKI97 Block Cipher /KR         June 20, 1998

DEAL               Lars Knudsen: DEAL - A 128-bit Block Cipher /KR   June 20, 1998
CSE 97-98          Canadian Security Establishment 97-98 /A          June 20, 1998
CSIS 97            Canadian Security Intelligence Service 1997 /A    June 20, 1998
SIRC 96-97         Security Intelligence Review Committee 1996-97 /A June 20, 1998
Lipman             The End of Privacy /VZ                            June 20, 1998

NRL GRAB           Naval Research Lab and GRAB Satellite /VZ         June 20, 1998
NIST AES           AES Home Site /PM                                 June 20, 1998
Lars AES           Scorecard for AES Submissions /PM                 June 20, 1998
EFSS               ABA: Electronic Financial Services Resources /JM  June 19, 1998
DIRT               Data Interception by Remote Transmission /MB      June 18, 1998

Spy XSpy           Spy and CounterSpy /A                             June 17, 1998
RU Charge          RU Military Alleges US Arms Violations /A         June 17, 1998           
echelon-lb         Echelon: Sources of Information (offsite)         June 17, 1998
SFS II: Bohm       UK Crypto Law: Scrambling for Safety II /RA       June 16, 1998
CIAO               CIAO Head on Critical Infrastructure Protection   June 16, 1998

FATF 98            FATF Report on Money Laundering Typologies 97-98  June 16, 1998
APEC E-comm        APEC E-Commerce Work Program                      June 16, 1998
Sky Spy (new URL)  Echelon: America's Spy in the Sky /VZ             June 15, 1998
TRC on CB War      South African Chemical/Biological Warfare /A      June 11, 1998

AF Law             USAF E-Pubs: Law                                  June 11, 1998
AF Pub             USAF E-Publications /A                            June 11, 1998
law-symp.htm       Law: Conducting Business Over the Internet /DB    June 11, 1998
GAP                Government Accountability Project /DS             June 10, 1998
Glave              Crypto Kills, It Really Does /GM                  June 9, 1998

Bird Spit          Satellite Lobby Makes Case /GM                    June 9, 1998
naintbv            L'accès des français au site NL de NAI-BV         June 8, 1998
Stop Drug War      Campaign Against the Global War on Drugs          June 8, 1998
friendly gas       U.S. Used Nerve Gas on Viet Nam Defectors /GM     June 8, 1998
DuD                Datenschutz und Datensicherheit /MK               June 8, 1998

VIG                Veterans for Integrity in Government              June 7, 1998
DoD Threats        Future Threats to Defense Info Systems /WK        June 7, 1998
SDPC               Swiss Federal Data Protection Commissioner /CM    June 6, 1998
tempestusa         Tempest Security Systems, Inc.                    June 5, 1998

Paki Duds          Dud Nukes Waiting to Blow in Pakistan? /GM        June 5, 1998
NSA/DISA/PKI       DISA/NSA Public Key Conference /DS                June 5, 1998
DISA IMPO          DISA Infosec Management Program /DS               June 5, 1998
D81                InfoSys Simulation Support to Warfighters /DS     June 5, 1998
Oswald             Lee Harvey /DM                                    June 5, 1998

ftc-privacy        Privacy Online: A Report to Congress              June 4, 1998
PCCIP Winn         Schwartau on PCCIP Report /MO                     June 4, 1998
NATO JWID-98       NATO Obejctives for JWID-98 /DS                   June 4, 1998
OSC FOIA           Office of Special Counsel FOIA /DS                June 4, 1998
New Sec            New Security Threats and Defenses /DS             June 4, 1998

NBC                NBC Force Protection /DS                          June 4, 1998
Small Arms         Small Arms Systems Meet /DS                       June 4, 1998
Big Arms           Armaments for the Future Army /DS                 June 4, 1998
LO                 Low Observables and Defenses /DS                  June 4, 1998
SO                 Special Operations Meet /DS                       June 4, 1998

STRICOM            STRICOM /DS                                       June 4, 1998
video-snoop        Video Surveillance Products                       June 3, 1998
RAID98             Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection            June 3, 1998
Bruce Slams        Cryptographer Slams NT Security /SB               June 2, 1998
MACOM DMS          MACOM DMS Representatives /DS                     June 2, 1998

Brokat Bank        Brokat Internet Banking /DS                       June 2, 1998
UK-Pont            Bridging Britain's Crypto Gap                     June 1, 1998
Entrust-KR         Entrust Key Recovery System /DS                   June 1, 1998
Crack-PPTP         Counterpane Cracks MS's PPTP /GM                  June 1, 1998

MAY 1998

free-phone         Legally Free Telephone Service                    May 31, 1998
u-nat-net.htm      Ukraine Nationalizes the Internet                 May 31, 1998
KR Change          Managing Change on the Korean Peninsula (offsite) May 31, 1998
bxa-kraguide.htm   Guide for BXA Approval of Key Recovery Agents     May 30, 1998
ciise.htm          The Cult of Info Intel Surveil Crypto             May 29, 1998

ccpl.htm           Campus Computer Policies & The Law                May 29, 1998
pd052898.txt       Prez on FRY and Bosnia Emergency                  May 29, 1998
eo13085.txt        EO on Uranium Enrichment Oversight Committee      May 29, 1998
ussocom.htm        United States Special Operations Command          May 29, 1998

sof-threats.htm    Special Operations Chief Predicts Threats         May 28, 1998
whp052898.htm      Payne v. NSA: Plaintiff's Motion and Objection    May 28, 1998
5usc-chap7.htm     Adminstrative Procedures Act                      May 28, 1998
spyking.htm        Fraud Alert - Frank Jones - Spyking               May 28, 1998
eema-sfa.htm       EEMA Security Framework Announcement              May 28, 1998

pk-royal.htm       Public Key Royalties                              May 28, 1998
nsa-cases.htm      National Security Agency Court Cases              May 27, 1998
vs-msie.htm        VeriSign - MSIE Key Generation Security Issue     May 27, 1998
fac052798.txt      Foreign Assets: Blocked Entities Designations     May 27, 1998
ussc052798.txt     US Sentencing Guidelines Priorities               May 27, 1998

td105-47-48.txt    Treaty Documents 105-47 and 105-48                May 27, 1998
aum.htm            How Japan Germ Terror Alerted World               May 26, 1998
tra052698.txt      Defense Threat Reduction Advisory Committee       May 26, 1998
hr695-ilmod.txt    SAFE Act Threatens Israel!                        May 26, 1998
hr3900.txt         Consumer Health and Research Protection Act       May 26, 1998

glomar-foia.htm    30 Years Experience with FOIA/Glomar Response     May 23, 1998
cyberarch.htm      Against Cyberanarchy                              May 23, 1998
prov-crime.htm     Proving Computer Crime                            May 23, 1998
s2107-intro.txt    Electronic Commerce Enhancement Act               May 23, 1998
hunker.htm         Hunker and Clarke on Anti-Terrorism Plan          May 22, 1998

pdd63.htm          Presidential Decision Directive 63 on CIP         May 22, 1998
prez-init.htm      Clinton Initiates Anti-Terror Campaign            May 22, 1998
usa052098.htm      Payne v. NSA: Review of TS-SCI-CODEWORD Document  May 22, 1998
whp052198.htm      Payne v. NSA: Memo and Order Denying Amendment    May 22, 1998
dod-rra-wmd.htm    DoD on Regional Rapid Assessment of WMD           May 22, 1998

bpm052298.txt      Secret Arms Deal                                  May 22, 1998
doa052298.txt      EA for Moving Defense Investigative Service       May 22, 1998
bolster.htm        Clinton to Bolster Anti-Terrorism Plans           May 22, 1998
vp051998.htm       Gore Announces New High-Tech Crime Tools          May 22, 1998
cla.htm            Cyberspace Law Abstracts                          May 21, 1998

anti-bioterr.htm   US to Order Antibiotics for Bio-Terrorism         May 21, 1998
ic-meets.txt       Intelligence Committee Meets                      May 21, 1998
bxa052198.txt      Export Council and Science & Tech Meets           May 21, 1998
epa052198.txt      RFC on Shipping Transuranic Waste to WIPP         May 21, 1998
ussc052198.txt     Amendments to U.S. Sentencing Guidelines          May 21, 1998

ibd-crypto.htm     Controls on Encryption Could Cost $9 Billion      May 21, 1998
chaum-lts.htm      David Chaum's Limited-Traceability Systems        May 20, 1998
hr2652.txt         Collections of Information Antipiracy Act         May 20, 1998
hr105-525.txt      Report: Collections of Information Antipiracy Act May 20, 1998
id-nuke.htm        Sanctions Against India for Nukes                 May 20, 1998

ai98145.htm        GAO on State Dept Computer Security Weakness      May 20, 1998
dos-spars.htm      State ILSA Decision on South Pars Gas Field       May 19, 1998
ms-xear-salz.htm   Microsoft Has Knowingly Violated the EAR          May 19, 1998
dtra-head.htm      Defense Threat Reduction Agency Director Named    May 19, 1998

s1723.txt          American Competitiveness Act                      May 19, 1998
bxa051998.txt      RFC: BXA Procedure for Initiating Investigation   May 19, 1998
bxa051998-2.txt    BXA Hits Groetzinger and Summit Marketing         May 19, 1998
csspab051998.txt   Computer Security and Privacy Board Meet          May 19, 1998
bia051998.txt      Indian Casino Gaming Contracts                    May 19, 1998

g8crime.htm        G8 On High Tech Crime                             May 19, 1998
g8crime-doj.htm    DoJ Docs on G8 High Tech Crime                    May 19, 1998
card-less.htm      Phone Card Fraud in the Millions of Dollars       May 18, 1998
eo13083.htm        Executive Order on Federalism                     May 18, 1998
s2037-kyl.htm      Senator Kyl on Crypto of Digital Copyright Act    May 18, 1998

fc051898.txt       FinCEN Rule on Casinos and Card Clubs             May 18, 1998
kmi051898.txt      Federal Key Management Infrastructure Meet        May 18, 1998
us-cn-sat.htm      How China Won Rights to Launch U.S. Satellites    May 17, 1998
caq-purge.htm      Covert Action Quarterly Purges Workers            May 16, 1998

id-lth.htm         Idaho v. Horiuchi (FBI Sniper)                    May 16, 1998
id-lth-dock.htm    Court Docket of Idaho v. Horiuchi                 May 16, 1998
eo13084.htm        Executive Order on Indian Tribal Governments      May 15, 1998
eu-wash.htm        EU Forum: Combating Money Laundering              May 15, 1998
vp051498.htm       White House on Privacy Action Plan for 21st C.    May 15, 1998

dar051498.txt      DAR Oppose GAK and More                           May 15, 1998
freeswan-08.htm    FreeS/WAN IPSEC & IKE Version 0.8 Released        May 14, 1998
bxa-syncsys.htm    BXA Endorses SecureOffice                         May 14, 1998
rced-98-126.txt    Technology Transfer: Universities/USG (184K)      May 14, 1998

nsiad-98-171.txt   US/EU Arms Sales to China Since 1989 Embargoes    May 14, 1998
dos051498.txt      Terrorist Countries Blacklist                     May 14, 1998
dod051498.txt      DoD Science Boards Meets                          May 14, 1998
bxa051498.txt      BXA Hits Portnoy and Smith                        May 14, 1998
vp-ebill.htm       Gore To Announce Electronic Bill of Rights        May 14, 1998

eu-digsig2.htm     New EU Dig Sig Directive                          May 14, 1998
usam9090.htm       US Attorneys' Manual on National Security         May 13, 1998
usam9007.htm       US Attorneys' Manual on Electronic Surveillance   May 13, 1998
s2052.txt          Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999         May 13, 1998
sr105-185.txt      Senate Report on Intelligence Funding FY1999      May 13, 1998

wh-iccs.htm        White House: Global Crime Control Strategy        May 13, 1998
dod-c3i.htm        DoD Announces Reorganization of C3I Office        May 13, 1998
af051398.htm       Protein-Based Optical Memory Development          May 13, 1998
s2067.txt          E-Privacy Bill; Ashcroft, Leahy Statements        May 13, 1998
acp-epriv.htm      ACP on E-Privacy Bill                             May 13, 1998

fcref-epriv.htm    Free Congress Foundation on E-Privacy Bill        May 13, 1998
epic-epriv.htm     EPIC on E-Privacy Act                             May 13, 1998
cdt-epriv.htm      CDT on E-Privacy Act                              May 13, 1998
e-privacy.htm      ACP Text of E-Privacy Act                         May 13, 1998
will02.htm         Leahy/Ashcroft Introduce E-Privacy Crypto Bill    May 12, 1998

uk-eu-crypto.htm   Conference on UK and EU Crypto Policy             May 12, 1998
gatekeeper.htm     AU PKI System: Gatekeeper                         May 12, 1998
declan10.htm       Leahy/Ashcroft E-Privacy Encryption Bill          May 11, 1998
mf050998.htm       Froomkin on Payne-Morales Motion to Amend Order   May 11, 1998
more-chaff.htm     More on Rivest's Chaff and Winnow                 May 11, 1998

doc051198.htm      Daley on Information Technology Workforce         May 11, 1998
bxa051198.txt      BXA Hits Thane-Coat, Inc.                         May 11, 1998
bxa050798.txt      BXA Hits Export Materials, Inc.                   May 11, 1998
dod051198.txt      Manual for Courts-Martial Amendments              May 11, 1998
hpc051198.txt      Hi-Perform Computing Committee Meet               May 11, 1998

nsa-theft.htm      NSA Police Suspected in Agency Thefts             May 9, 1998
whp050898.htm      Payne-Morales v. NSA: Motion to Amend Order       May 9, 1998
wiretap97.htm      1997 Wiretap Report                               May 9, 1998
nii-ware.htm       Notice: Cyber-Posture of the NII                  May 9, 1998
hpc.htm            Hi-Perform Computing/National Security/Exports    May 8, 1998

bxa050498.htm      BXA Report on High Performance Computers          May 8, 1998
irsr050798.txt     Senators Muse IRS Restructuring/Crypto            May 7, 1998
nrc050798.txt      NRC Fees for Personnel Investigations             May 7, 1998
bxa050798b.txt     BXA Regulations Committee Meet                    May 7, 1998
cia-dod-htm        Appointments at CIA OIG and Defense Research      May 6, 1998

s2011.txt          Senate Money Laundering/Drugs Act of 1998         May 6, 1998
hr3745.txt         House Money Laundering Act of 1998                May 6, 1998
bxa050698.txt      ISTAC Secret Meet on Info Systems                 May 6, 1998
whp-10usca.htm     USCA: Payne v. Sandia National Lab Docket         May 5, 1998
crypto-cases.htm   2 Encryption Cases Cast Shadow on Academia        May 5, 1998

whp043098.htm      Payne-Morales v. NSA: Memorandum Opinion & Order  May 4, 1998
bpm050498.txt      State Dept Nukes N Korea/Pakistan Missiles        May 4, 1998
af050498.txt       B1-B Gets GPS JDAM Weapons                        May 4, 1998
y2k050398.htm      Year 2000 Bug Could Bring Flood of Lawsuits       May 3, 1998
a5-hack.htm        Cryptanalysis of Alleged A5/Random Mappings       May 3, 1998

rip-mil.htm        Allee, Page, Shingledecker                        May 1, 1998
pdj9.htm           Junger v. Daley: Filing of Daley's Statement      May 1, 1998
atf050198.txt      ATF List of Explosive Materials                   May 1, 1998
nsiad-98-73.txt    Weaknesses in C4 Systems' Interoperability        May 1, 1998
doa050198.txt      Method for Purifying Cholera Toxin                May 1, 1998

jfk043098.txt      Assassination Records Actions                     May 1, 1998

Offsite Links

Trade Visions      Future Visions for U.S. Trade Policy              May 31, 1998
Defense Visions    Future Visions for U.S. Defense Policy            May 31, 1998
info ops           Spies Turn to High Tech Info Ops /WP              May 29, 1998
GSA ACES           PKI Access Certificates /DS                       May 29, 1998
S/MIME Update      S/MIME Free Software Lib Update /DS               May 29, 1998

SecSumm98          Entrust/ICL: Secure Summit 98 /DS                 May 29, 1998
PKI TWG            PKI TWG Members /DS                               May 29, 1998
in camera          In Camera Requirements                            May 28, 1998
PKI Info           Public Key Information Web Site                   May 28, 1998
MISTY              MISTY Encryption Algorithm /A                     May 27, 1998

gao-y2k            GAO: Year 2000 Computing Crisis                   May 26, 1998
RSA-NAI2           RSA v Network Associates Docs /VM                 May 21, 1998
RSA-NAI            RSA Sues Network Associates /PM                   May 20, 1998
nsa-y2k            NSA Hampers DoD Fix of Y2K /G                     May 19, 1998
f22-raptor         F-22 Raptor Test Flight                           May 18, 1998

gilc-encrypt       GILC Cryptography                                 May 15, 1998
eu-encrypt         European Cryptography                             May 15, 1998
eee-encrypt        E&EE Crypto and CommSec                           May 15, 1998
fbi-encrypt        Encryption: Impact on Law Enforcement             May 15, 1998
pff-encrypt        Encryption and National Security /PJP             May 15, 1998

NSA UFO            NSA UFO Documents                                 May 13, 1998
NSA FOIA           NSA Page for FOIA/PA Requests                     May 13, 1998
GSM Protest        GSM Trace Protest Petition /CM                    May 11, 1998
GSM End to End     Crypto AG Secure Telephony HC-2000 /CM            May 11, 1998
mr976              Cyber-Posture of the Nat Info Infra               May 9, 1998

PubAccess          Public Access to Info of US Courts                May 5, 1998
FOIA               The Freedom of Information Act                    May 5, 1998
FOIA Docs          DoJ FOIA References                               May 5, 1998

APRIL 1998

crack-a5.htm       CRACK A5                                          April 30, 1998
CA E-Commerce      E-Commerce & Canada's Taxation (offsite) /JG      April 30, 1998

nsa-ste.htm        NSA > STU-III > STE > KOV-14 > CA-Finksburg       April 30, 1998
ukusa-threat.htm   UKUSA Boosts Spy Programs                         April 30, 1998
cia-threat.htm     CIA: Cyber War Threat Is Real and Growing         April 30, 1998
dc-code.htm        Coded Message                                     April 30, 1998

uk-code.htm        Will Britain Crack the Code?                      April 30, 1998
nsa-read.htm       NSA Electronic Surveillance: Selected Readings    April 29, 1998
echelon-dc.htm     ECHELON: NSA's Global Electronic Interception     April 29, 1998
ctia-fbi.htm       Wiretap Suit: CTIA/PCIA v. DoJ/FBI                April 29, 1998
FC98-eps.htm       Anonymity, FC '98, and Escrowed Paper Shredders   April 29, 1998

nsa-rja.htm        Crypto, Drugs and the NSA                         April 29, 1998
duncan             Duncan Campbell (offsite)                         April 28, 1998
fbi042898.txt      FBI Defines Wiretap Upgrade and Modification      April 28, 1998
uk-ecomm.htm       UK E-Commerce and Crypto                          April 28, 1998
y2k-frb.htm        Federal Reserve: Cannot Forecast Y2K Impact       April 28, 1998

bxa042798.txt      BXA Rule on Recoverable Encryption                April 28, 1998
nasa-gag.htm       NASA 'Educating' Scientists to Choke              April 28, 1998
gsm-chaos.htm      GSM Crack by Chaos Computer Club                  April 28, 1998
intel-online.htm   Intelligence Online                               April 28, 1998

doc042798.txt      Commerce Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda            April 27, 1998
dod042798.txt      Defense Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda             April 27, 1998
doj042798.txt      Justice Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda             April 27, 1998
dot042798.txt      Treasury Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda            April 27, 1998
fcc042798.txt      FCC Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda                 Apirl 27, 1998

germ-threat.htm    U.S. Unable to Handle Germ Attack                 April 26, 1998
euro-threat.htm    Crime's Newest Cash of Choice                     April 26, 1998
bxa042298.txt      BXA Axes James Lee and Penny Ray                  April 25, 1998

y2k-flee.htm       Programmers Flee Y2K Problem                      April 25, 1998
dod042498.txt      President's Security Advisory Board Meet          April 24, 1998
fbi-suit.txt       Cellular Industry Sues FBI on Wiretap Regs        April 24, 1998
nss042298.htm      Network Security Solutions Conference             April 23, 1998

faa042398.txt      Rocket Sea Launch Platform                        April 23, 1998
nrc042398.txt      IEEE Safety Criteria for Nuke Plants              April 23, 1998
e-courts.htm       Electronic Court Filing Resources                 April 22, 1998
karn-opp.htm       Karn v. USA: Oppostion Brief                      April 22, 1998
glomar.htm         Glomar Explorer Resurrects                        April 22, 1998

crypto-demo.htm    Cryptography and Democracy: Dilemmas of Freedom   April 22, 1998
gsm-mou.htm        GSM MoU Association Response to Cloning           April 21, 1998
Hack/Phreak        Cellular Phone Authentication Vulnerability (RU)  April 20, 1998
GSM Security       Mobile Communications Security (offsite)          April 20, 1998

dos042098.txt      State Dept Meets on Global Info and E-Commerce    April 20, 1998
gsm042098.txt      GSM Clone News                                    April 20, 1998
gsm061088.htm      GSM System Security Study                         April 20, 1998
TTO                DARPA Tactical Technology Projects (offsite)      April 19, 1998
ETS-II 98          ETS-II: New Crypto Projects for 1998 (offsite)    April 19, 1998

se-crypto          Swedish Crypto Policy, EU/US Appendices (offsite) April 18, 1998
sfl.htm            S/MIME Freeware Library (SFL)                     April 18, 1998
cell-nail.htm      FCC Orders Position Escrow for Wireless Devices   April 17, 1998
E-Privacy          E-Privacy Draft Crypto Bill (offsite)             April 17, 1998
OPSEC 98           1998 National OPSEC Conference (offsite)          April 17, 1998

gsm-cloned.htm     GSM Cellphones Cloned                             April 17, 1998
gsm-snoop.htm      European Electronic Surveillance                  April 17, 1998
daley-deal.htm     Commerce Secretary Seeks Compromise on Encryption April 16, 1998
daley-ecom.htm     DoC Sec. Daley on The Emerging Digital Economy    April 15, 1998

CSE SPY            CSE Spies: We Spy Not at Home (offsite) /mt       April 15, 1998
cia-groat.htm      Update on Groat: CIA Loose Cannon/Scapegoat       April 15, 1998
aes-nsa            Why NSA Should Submit an AES Candidate (offsite)  April 15, 1998
usna-ecrs.htm      Environmental Specialization Courses              April 15, 1998
don041598.txt      US Navy Inventions Available for Licensing        April 15, 1998

hr3472.txt         House Digital Signature Bill (SEAL)               April 15, 1998
GSM hack faq       GSM Cloning FAQ (offsite)                         April 14, 1998
GSM A3A8           GSM Algorithm A3A8 (offsite)                      April 14, 1998
nsa hacks gak      NSA Shows Weaknesses of Key Recovery (offsite)    April 14, 1998
nsa report         NSA Report on Key Recovery (FCW offsite)          April 14, 1998

tri-crack.htm      Trithemius's "Steganographia" Cracked             April 14, 1998
gsm-weak.htm       GSM Purposely-Weakened Crypto Cracked             April 14, 1998
nsa-krisks.htm     NSA Report Details Key-Recovery Risks             April 14, 1998
aes-java           AES Java Kit (offsite)                            April 14, 1998
usna-icrs.htm      Intelligence Specialization Courses               April 14, 1998

usna-wcrs.htm      Warfare Specialization Courses                    April 14, 1998
usna-scrs.htm      Space Operations/Engineering Courses              April 14, 1998
usna-ccrs.htm      Communications Specialization Courses             April 14, 1998
usna-sew.htm       NR Space and Electronic Warfare                   April 14, 1998
usna-nobc.htm      Navy Officer Classification (NOBC) Codes          April 14, 1998

chacs-pub          CHACS Security Publications (offsite) v/DH        April 14, 1998
chaotic-comm.htm   Chaotic Communications                            April 14, 1998
crypto-crime.htm   Inaccurate Quoting of Criminal Crypto Use         April 13, 1998

nsa-elint.htm      U.S. Electronic Espionage: A Memoir (84K)         April 13, 1998
pdj8.htm           Junger v. Daley: Stipulation of Undisputed Facts  April 12, 1998
tac-2000.htm       Secure Cell Phones for Secretary of State         April 11, 1998
aes-api            AES API Specs Revised (offsite)                   April 10, 1998
nsa-spl            NSA's Special Processing Laboratory (offsite)     April 10, 1998

y2k-hal.htm        Y2K Problem Overblown                             April 10, 1998
denning98          InfoWar: Terrorism, Crime, NatSec (offsite)       April 10, 1998
itar040998.txt     Sat Gear Transferred from USML to CCL             April 9, 1998
ondc040998.txt     High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas             April 9, 1998
ncs040998.txt      HF-ALE Radio Publication                          April 9, 1998

doa040998.txt      Army Science Board Meet                           April 9, 1998
mcc-gov            InfoSleuth and More Microelectronics (offsite)    April 8, 1998
loudon             Loudon Co. Decision on Filtering (offsite) v/RC-R April 8, 1998
nso040898.htm      National Security Opportunities                   April 8, 1998
sss-map.htm        Seeking Secret Seismic Map                        April 8, 1998

s493.txt           Wireless Telephone Protection Act                 April 8, 1998
doj040898.txt      Antitrust: MCC, CIA, InfoSleuth Project           April 8, 1998
jfk040898.txt      Assassination Records Actions                     April 8, 1998
doi040898.txt      National Satellite LRS Advisory Committee         April 8, 1998
doa040898.txt      Army Science Board Secret Meet                    April 8, 1998

greene.htm         National Security Abuse: Greene v. McElroy        April 8, 1998
bio-terror         Advanced Tech: Counter Bio-Terror (offsite) v/DS  April 7, 1998
CA-crypto.htm      Canada's Crypto Policy (113K)                     April 7, 1998
gun-ban.htm        Assault Weapons Ban                               April 7, 1998
bxa040798.txt      Encryption Export Board Meet                      April 7, 1998

faa040798.txt      Aviation Security Meet                            April 7, 1998
fcc040798.txt      Wireless Telecom Licensing Rule (123K)            April 7, 1998
bca040798.txt      Border Crossing Cards                             April 7, 1998
kedough.htm        KEDO to Get Anti-Terrorism Funds                  April 6, 1998
javaring           Crypto iButton Java Ring (offsite) v/TH           April 6, 1998

mcs-potus.htm      Members of Congress Write Clinton on Crypto       April 6, 1998
cse-news           Canadian Spy Agency News (offsite) v/CM           April 6, 1998
spy-pix.htm        Spy-Quality Pictures to Be Sold Online            April 6, 1998
nrc040698.txt      AF TRIGA Reactor                                  April 6, 1998
fhwa040698.txt     GPS Surveillance Project                          April 6, 1998

dod040698.txt      DoD Electron Devices Secret Meet                  April 6, 1998
FBI Spam           Spam from the FBI (offsite)                       April 6, 1998
wakeup-call.txt    Senator Leahy: Wake-up Call on Encryption         April 5, 1998
echelon-lb         Echelon: Sources of Information (offsite)         April 4, 1998
eu-crypto          AVS Online: Crypto in Europe (offsite)            April 4, 1998

se-caves.htm       Sweden Strengthens Crypto Export Restrictions     April 4, 1998
cia-hack.htm       CIA Cryptospy Tells Targets                       April 4, 1998
pgp-mil-export.htm Military Export of PGP                            April 3, 1998
iris.htm           The Info Revolution and International Security    April 3, 1998
3DES               Dorothy Denning on 3DES Weakness (offsite)        April 3, 1998

eu-digsig.htm      Draft EU Directive on Electronic Signatures       April 3, 1998
s1901.txt          Taxpayer Internet Assistance Act                  April 3, 1998
s1897.txt          Telecom Consumer Protection Act                   April 3, 1998
nseb040398.txt     National Security Education Board Meet            April 3, 1998
uscg040398.txt     Coast Guard Environmental Justice Plan            April 3, 1998

jsc.htm            DoD Joint Spectrum Center (JSC)                   April 2, 1998
fcc040198.txt      FCC Rule on Emergency Alert System                April 1, 1998
bxa040198.txt      BXA Plugs Suburban Guns Pty                       April 1, 1998
iisp-ichart.htm    ANSI Opposes EC's International Cooperation Plan  April 1, 1998

safe033198.txt     More SAFE Act Statements                          April 1, 1998
uk-michael.htm     Alun Michael on UK Crypto Policy                  April 1, 1998

MARCH 1998

pgp533i.htm PGP 5.3.3i Released March 31, 1998 s909-rev-cdt.htm CDT Preliminary Analysis of Revised S.909 March 31, 1998 s909-rev.htm Revised S.909 - Secure Public Networks Act March 31, 1998 safe033098.txt SAFE Act Statements March 31, 1998 3des-weak.htm 3DES Encryption Standard Delayed by Weakness March 31, 1998 wto-ecomm.htm Electronic Commerce and the Role of the WTO March 30, 1998 pal-nukes.htm Cryptography and Permissive Action Links March 30, 1998 dos033098.txt Defense Trade Meet March 30, 1998 dsb033098.txt Secret Meet on Satellite Reconnaissance March 30, 1998 bxa033098.txt BXA Zaps New World Transtechnology March 30, 1998 fse5-prog.htm Update: Fifth Fast Encryption Software Workshop March 30, 1998 Net-nuke The Internet and the Bomb: Nuke Info (offsite) March 29, 1998 dod-wmd DoD Policy: Weapons of Mass Destruction (offsite) March 28, 1998 calea-pi.htm CALEA: Pi = 3.2 March 27, 1998 eu-gak.htm EU President Advocates GAK March 27, 1998 sec032798.txt SEC Statement on Internet Use March 27, 1998 fcc032798.txt FCC RFC on Infrastructure Report March 27, 1998 dod032798.txt DoD Ban on Terrorist Pork March 27, 1998 dos032598.htm National Security Threat of Infectious Diseases March 26, 1998 pdj7.htm Junger v. Daley: PDJ Brief for Summary Judgment March 26, 1998 pdj6.htm Junger v. Daley: USA Memo for Summary Judgment March 26, 1998 blindcash-ru.htm Blind Signatures Digital Cash in Russia? March 26, 1998 m51shelter CB Agents Shelter System (offsite) March 26, 1998 doj-tapsfcc.htm Justice Taps FCC March 26, 1998 Hack CBCM Cryptanalysis of ANSI X9.52 CBCM Mode (offsite) March 26, 1998 Serpent A New Block Cipher Proposal for AES (offiste) March 26, 1998 gak-slam.htm EC Banks Slam Snoops, Reject GAK March 26, 1998 chaff2.htm Rivest: More Efficient Chaffing and Winnowing March 25, 1998 frs032598.txt Rules on Electronic Funds Transfers March 25, 1998 bxa032598.txt BXA Info Collection on HE and CPU March 25, 1998 bxa-gaksux.htm BXA's Reinsch: GAK Sux March 25, 1998 twa800-emi.htm TWA 800: Electromagnetic Interference (128K) March 24, 1998 nsa-nasa.htm NSA to Hack NASA March 24, 1998 doa032498-2.txt Secret Meet on Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality March 24, 1998 doa032498.txt DEIS for Mustard Gas Disposal March 24, 1998 bxa032498.txt CCL Revision for Chem War Solvents March 24, 1998 smimev2.htm Informational RFCs for S/MIME v2 March 24, 1998 mitnick2.htm Computer Expert Witness Needed in Mitnick Case March 23, 1998 nld3.htm Update 2: Non-Lethal Defense III Abstracts March 23, 1998 rc4-aba Update: RC4 in 3 Lines of Perl (offsite) March 23, 1998 dod032098.htm Information Weapons News March 23, 1998 doe032398.txt National Lab Health Hazards Meet March 23, 1998 dia032398.txt Secret Defense Intelligence Meets March 23, 1998 dod032398.htm Change to DoD Ammo and Explosives Safety Code March 23, 1998 pgp-more2.txt More(2) News of PGP Crypto Export March 23, 1998 fbi-baker.htm Stewart Baker on FBI Crypto Policy March 22, 1998 chaff.htm Rivest's Winnow Could Chaff Export Policy March 22, 1998 af-infoweap.htm Information as a Weapon March 22, 1998 af-infowar.htm Theory of Information Warfare March 22, 1998 af-fid Aviation to Fight Internal Dissent (offsite) March 22, 1998 af-neo Planetary Defense: Near Earth Objects (offsite) March 22, 1998 af-links Links to Air Forces of the World (offsite) March 22, 1998 will-pgp.htm Update 3: Who Did It: PGP to Be Sold Abroad March 22, 1998 nld3-alex.htm Introduction to Non-Lethal Defense III March 21, 1998 nld3-begert.htm Non-Lethal Technology for Our Era and Culture March 21, 1998 nld3-bir.htm Surrogate 3-Rib Chest Structure March 21, 1998 nld3-bye.htm Special Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist Munitions March 21, 1998 pgp-more.htm More News of PGP Crypto Export March 20, 1998 pgp-buxbxa.htm PGP/NAI Bucks Crypto Export Laws March 20, 1998 itar082180.txt Crypto Export Constitutionality 1 (offsite) March 20, 1998 itar070584.txt Crypto Export Constitutionality 2 (offsite) March 20, 1998 nld3-aba.htm UAV Non-Lethal Payload Delivery System March 19, 1998 fbi-funds99.htm FBI 1999 Budget March 19, 1998 fbi-kidporn.htm Child Pornography on the Internet March 19, 1998 doj031898.htm FBI Halts Push for GAK Legislation March 19, 1998 dod031898.htm Information War Tools March 19, 1998 go-crypto.htm Crypto Books Review March 19, 1998 nuke-future Spread of WMD and US Nuclear Strategy (132K) March 18, 1998 s1786.txt Bill to Study Biological and Chemical Terrorism March 18, 1998 cdt031798.htm CDT on Senate Crypto and Infrastructure Hearings March 18, 1998 prz-pgp-nai.htm Phil Zimmermann on PGP/NAI/TIS/Key Escrow March 18, 1998 qd-tempest.htm Quick & Dirty TEMPEST Experiment March 18, 1998 doj031798.htm Dept of Justice Statement at Crypto Hearing March 18, 1998 kmi031898.htm Federal KMI Meeting March 18, 1998 Cyphernet The Revolution Will Be Encrypted (offsite) March 17, 1998 snakes Declan: Boas and Crypto Hearing (offsite) March 17, 1998 uk-zergo.htm Zergo on UK Cryptography Policy March 17, 1998 uscg031798.txt Coast Guard National Distress System EIS March 17, 1998 doa031798.txt Open Army Science Board Meets March 17, 1998 openpgp-msg.htm Update: OpenPGP Discussion March 17, 1998 dk-crypto.htm Copenhagen Hearing On DigSig and Encryption March 17, 1998 bernstein13.htm Update 2: Senate to Hear Cohn on Bernstein Case March 17, 1998 openpgp-01.htm OpenPGP Message Format - IETF Draft March 16, 1998 at-uk.htm Defence Industries - United Kingdom March 16, 1998 at-usa.htm Defence Industries - United States March 16, 1998 army-tech.htm The Website for Defence Industries - Army (101K) March 16, 1998 acp-pols.htm ACP: Lawmakers on Encryption Policy March 16, 1998 echelon2.htm Update: Original Sources for ECHELON March 16, 1998 newlaw.htm The Law Where There Is No Land March 16, 1998 atf031698.txt ATF Rule on Automatic Weapons Found March 16, 1998 dsb031698.txt Defense Dept Secret Meets March 16, 1998 bxa031698.txt BXA Secret Meet March 16, 1998 doj-mla98.htm Money Laundering Act of 1998 March 16, 1998 disarm-nukes Nuclear Weapons Abolition Campaign (offsite) March 15, 1998 wh020298.htm White House On U.S. Nuclear Forces March 15, 1998 wmd-lugar.txt Sen Lugar: Combating WMD March 14, 1998 prc-prolif.txt Sen Ashcroft: China's Proliferation Activities March 14, 1998 bioweap-kyl.htm Sen Kyl: Russian Bioweapons March 14, 1998 cia-hitz.txt Senate Tribute: CIA IG Fred Hitz March 14, 1998 s712.txt The Government Secrecy Act March 14, 1998 s1668.txt Classified Information Disclosure Act March 14, 1998 eu-decrypt.htm Update: EU Plans Decryption Ban March 13, 1998 jfk031398.txt Assassination Records Opened: CIA, FBI, etc March 13, 1998 dod031398.txt Defense Dept Secret Meets March 13, 1998 spookwords ECHELON Spy Hooks (offsite) March 12, 1998 dos-threats.htm State Dept on Threats to National Security March 12, 1998 fbi031298.txt FBI Rule: CALEA Electronic Surveillance (685K) March 12, 1998 Zipped FBI Rule: CALEA E-Surveillance (101K) March 12, 1998 dod-mids.htm Update: Multifunctional Info Distribution System March 11, 1998 hoc-ussigint.htm House of Commons Library on US Sigint in Europe March 11, 1998 eu-battle.htm EU: Battle Over E-Mail Encryption Key March 11, 1998 future-money Money and Currency in the 21st Century (offsite) March 10, 1998 fortify-more.htm More on Fortify: Distrust of US Crypto March 10, 1998 nsiad-98-105t.htm Export Promotion: Assessing Government Strategy March 10, 1998 fbi-fta.htm FBI: Foreign Terrorists in America March 10, 1998 nih031098.htm Third EMF Science Review Symposium March 10, 1998 bxa030998.txt President's Export Council Call for Members March 10, 1998 nps030998.txt Draft EIS for White House Bunker March 9, 1998 itac030998.txt ITAC Meet March 9, 1998 af030998.txt Air Force Secret Meet March 9, 1998 cbw-grim.htm Grim Do's and Deadly Dont's of Chem-Bio Attacks March 8, 1998 hd105-191.htm National Emergency Caused by Lapse of The EEA March 8, 1998 bxa-repreq.htm EAR Reporting Seminar: Wassenaar, HPC, Crypto March 8, 1998 karn-move.htm Government Moves to Dismiss Karn Case March 6, 1998 eu-crytpo.htm Update: EU Crypto Free Trade Area March 6, 1998 bxa97-encry.htm BXA 97 Annual Report on Encryption March 6, 1998 vp-crypto.htm VP Gore Encrypts Senator Daschle March 5, 1998 fbi-dvstate.htm FBI: Crypto Will "Devastate" Crimefighting March 5, 1998 futile-plans.htm Plans to Control Crypto Futile and Misguided March 5, 1998 echelon-cse Echelon/Canadian Security Establisment (offsite) March 5, 1998 fbi-threats.htm FBI: Threats to U.S. National Security March 5, 1998 ftc030598.txt Request for Input for Online Info Practices March 5, 1998 dtc030498.txt Armscor Cleared for Arms Export March 5, 1998 eo-converse.htm Executive Order on "Conversations with America" March 4, 1998 dcguide Grabbe: My Digital Cash Articles (offsite) March 3, 1998 compsec-usg.htm Computer Security in the Federal Government March 3, 1998 cryptobook Cryptobook 98 Update (offsite) March 3, 1998 see-far.htm "America: we are the indispensable nation" March 3, 1998 fabbro95.htm W95 Hard Disk Crypto Packages Comparison March 3, 1998 cls-up.htm Bert-Jaap Koops: Crypto Law Survey Updated March 3, 1998 bioweap.htm The Bioweaponeers (62K) March 2, 1998 nara030298.txt Navy Electronic Intercept Records March 2, 1998 bxa030298.txt Essam Alkadi: Export Privileges Revoked March 2, 1998 hr2460.htm Wireless Telephone Protection Act March 2, 1998 dsb030298.txt Defense Dept. Secret Meets March 2, 1998 hp-sda.htm Update: Hewlett-Packard Crypto Export System March 1, 1998 hp-sda-over.htm Hewlett-Packard's VerSecure - Overview March 1, 1998


fsitesiol          Sources of Intelligence Online (offsite)          February 28, 1998
rfw-jec.htm        JEC Hearing on Radio Frequency Weapons (112K)     February 28, 1998        Zipped JEC Hearing on RF Weapons (39K)            February 28, 1998
email-improved     Schneier-Hall: Improved E-mail Security (offsite) February 27, 1998
acsac-call.htm     14th ACSAC Call for Papers                        February 27, 1998
reno-bash          Critics Bash Reno's Cyberwar Plan (offsite)       February 27, 1998
ggd-98-34.txt      Banks Experiences with Online Banking             February 27, 1998

hamilton-net.txt   Rep. Hamilton: Congress and the Internet          February 27, 1998
doj022798.txt      Anti-Trust Notice by Key Recovery Alliance        February 27, 1998
stumble.txt        Encryption Deals and Bills                        February 27, 1998 
rf-terror.htm      Terrorist Use of Radio Frequency Weapons          February 26, 1998
nyt-bw-iraq.htm    How Iraq's Biological Weapons Came to Light       February 26, 1998

nyt-cw.htm         Soviet Had Chemical Warfare Plan                  February 25, 1998
tis-p-bckrs.htm    Policy-Based Crypto Key Release Systems           February 25, 1998
declan9.htm        CWD - Shadow Cryptocrats                          February 25, 1998
gak-attack.htm     Group to Attack Clinton on Crypto                 February 24, 1998
cia-pigs-war.htm   Update: CIA Internal Battle of Bay of Pigs        February 24, 1998

nyt-atpc.htm       A Chilling Portrait of Technology's Uses          February 24, 1998
aba-spooks.htm     The Spooks Do Want Your Keys                      February 23, 1998
tis-bought         TIS Bought by Network Associates (offsite)        February 23, 1998
bxa022398.txt      Export Records and Postal Procedures              February 23, 1998
bpm022398.txt      Secret Deal, CW Sanction                          February 23, 1998

kra-wr.htm         Crypto Crack-Up: Key Recovery Alliance Splits     February 23, 1998 
cia-pigs.htm       C.I.A.'s Self-Critique In Bay of Pigs Fiasco      February 22, 1998
aes-conference     Advanced Encryption Standard Conference (offsite) February 20, 1998
bxa-rptac.htm      BXA Meet: Regulations and Procedures Advisory     February 20, 1998
bbc-crypto         BBC on UK Encryption Regulation (offsite)         February 20, 1998

ntia022098.txt     Rule on Management of Domain Naming System        February 20, 1998
fortify            Latest: Fortify for Netscape (offsite)            February 19, 1998
dod021998.txt      HPCC, Info Tech and NGI Meet                      February 19, 1998
atf021998.txt      Implementation of Brady Gun Control Law           February 19, 1998
crypto-meets.txt   Imminent USG Crypto Meets                         February 19, 1998

uk-no-escrow.htm   UK Scientists Oppose Key Escrow                   February 19, 1998
cia-am.htm         CIA: Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?           February 17, 1998
don021798.txt      Drug-Running Surveillance Radar Project           February 17, 1998
irs021798.txt      Electronic Tax Programmers Meet                   February 17, 1998
bxa021798.txt      Implementation of Wassenaar Rule Revision         February 17, 1998

dti-ttp            UK Policy on Trusted Third Parties (offsite)      February 17, 1998
ar380-19-2.htm     US Army Computer Security (68K)                   February 15, 1998
infosec            US Army: Information Security (offsite)           February 15, 1998
indsec             US Army: Industrial Security (offsite)            February 15, 1998
whp021598.htm      RSA and Sandia National Laboratories              February 15, 1998

nro-forum.htm      The Future of Global Reconnaissance               February 15, 1998
nro-jer.htm        The Future of the National Reconnaissance Office  Feburary 15, 1998
mschff             Hidden Form Field Vulnerability (offsite)         February 13, 1998
elude              Eluding Network Intrusion Detection (offsite)     February 13, 1998
ciiui.htm          Constitutional Issues of Use of the Internet      February 13, 1998

jfk021098.txt      Assassination Records: CIA, FBI, NSA (105K)       February 13, 1998
cifuentes-dcc      Decompiler for Source Code (offsite)              February 13, 1998
bxa-compliance     BXA Site for Compliance with the EAR (offsite)    February 13, 1998
bxa-encguide       BXA Guideline for Crypto Export License (offsite) February 13, 1998
bxa-west98.htm     BXA Speeches on Export at Update West 98          February 13, 1998

csspab021398.txt   Computer Security & Privacy Board Meet            February 13, 1998
bxa021398.txt      President's Export Council Meet                   February 13, 1998
bxa-wa-rev         BXA Revision of Wassenaar Dates (offsite)         February 13, 1998
cylinked.htm       Latest: Cylinked to Organized Crime?              February 12, 1998
calea-hack.htm     ACLU, EFF, EPIC and CPSR Attack Wiretap Law       February 12, 1998

spooktech98.htm    Methods of Eavesdropping & Surveillance Seminar   February 12, 1998
s442-leahy.txt     Senator Leahy on Internet Tax Freedom Bill        February 12, 1998
dod021298.txt      Defense Dept. Meets                               February 12, 1998
uk-crypto-ban.htm  Next Week's British Encryption Ban                February 11, 1998
lv-crime.htm       Computer Crime in Latvia                          February 11, 1998

bpm021198.txt      US-IAEA Nuclear Safeguards Agreement              February 11, 1998
itc021198.txt      Investigation of Info Technology Agreement        February 11, 1998
mar021198.txt      Radiation Survey Manual                           February 11, 1998
dod021198.txt      Ballistic Missile Test Range EIS                  February 11, 1998
hr3174.txt         Electronic Campaign Disclosure Bill               February 9, 1998

s1594.txt          DigSig and Electronic Authentication (SEAL) Bill  February 9, 1998
medals.htm         Medals for Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Mandela     Febraury 9, 1998
crypto-survey      Cryptography and Liberty: Global Survey (offsite) February 9, 1998
gorton-ms.txt      Senator Gorton on Microsoft                       February 9, 1998
s1603.txt          Survivors of Torture Support Bill                 February 9, 1998

s1606.txt          Torture Victims Refief Bill                       February 9, 1998
s1609.txt          Next Generation Internet Research Bill            February 9, 1998
whp012898.htm      Payne/Morales v. NSA: Strike NSA/SNL Admissions   February 8, 1998
soft-tempest.htm   Soft TEMPEST                                      February 8, 1998
stoa-bib.htm       Bibliography of Technolgies of Pol. Control (86K) February 6, 1998       Zipped: Bib. of Technolgies of Pol. Control (32K) February 6, 1998
hr2937.txt         Bill on Electronic Financial Services             February 6, 1998
bxa020698.txt      BXA Crypto Meet                                   February 6, 1998
net-strong         EC: The Need for A Strong Global Net (offsite)    February 6, 1998
eo-y2k.htm         EO 13073 on Year 2000 Conversion                  February 5, 1998

dod020598.txt      Strategic Command Top Secret Meet                 February 5, 1998
nrc012898.txt      Nuke Plant to North Korea                         February 5, 1998
bxa020598.txt      BXA Meet on Information Systems                   February 5, 1998
icx-btec.htm       Building Trust in Electronic Commerce             February 5, 1998
sec010898.htm      SEC Rule on Communication Monitoring              February 4, 1998

stoa-atpc.htm      Full: Technologies of Political Control (505K)    February 4, 1998      Zipped: Technologies of Political Control (314K)  February 4, 1998
jrs-ndp.txt        James Schlesinger on Future National Defense      February 4, 1998
storynse.htm       CESG: The History of Non-Secret Encryption        February 4, 1998
In Athena's Camp   Preparing for Conflict in the Info Age (offsite)  February 3, 1998

cylink-sins.htm    Cylink Secures SINS                               February 3, 1998
pg-get-MSkey.htm   Update: How to Recover Private Keys for MS Wares  February 3, 1998
bxa020398.txt      Exports of High Performance Computers             February 3, 1998
sib.htm            Scientists in Black                               February 3, 1998
CAP                The Cryptographic Analysis Program (offsite)      February 2, 1998

Arne Beurling      The Geheimschreiber Secret (offsite)              February 2, 1998
Army Stegano       US Army Steganography (offsite)                   February 2, 1998
Colossus           Rebuilding Colossus (offsite)                     February 2, 1998
Frode Crypto       Cryptology Papers (offsite)                       February 2, 1998
jimbell9.htm       Jim Bell Update                                   February 2, 1998

echelon-boost      NSA Surveillance System Boosted (offsite)         February 2, 1998
bxa020298.txt      BXA Meet on Export Rules and Procedures           February 2, 1998
cs020298.txt       Rules to Challenge Customs Seizures (63K)         February 2, 1998
usg020298.txt      USG Secret Meets                                  February 2, 1998
echelon.htm        NSA Global Surveillance System                    February 2, 1998

cathedral.htm      The Cathedral and the Bazaar                      February 1, 1998
natsec-rule.htm    Protection of National Security Information       February 1, 1998
44cfr336.txt       Facilities for National Security Emergency (14K)  February 1, 1998
44cfr334.txt       FEMA Graduated Mobilization Response (14K)        February 1, 1998
32cfr322.txt       Privacy Act Exemption for NSA Records (40K)       February 1, 1998
32cfr299.txt       National Security Agency FOIA Program (8K)        February 1, 1998

32cfr2101.txt      National Security Council FOIA Requests (24K)     February 1, 1998
32cfr185.txt       Military Support to Civil Authorities (52K)       February 1, 1998
31cfr9.txt         Effects of Imported Articles on National Security February 1, 1998
22cfr124.txt       Contracts, Off-Shore Buys, Defense Services (42K) February 1, 1998
22cfr123.txt       Licenses for the Export of Defense Articles (51K) February 1, 1998

22cfr121.txt       United States Munitions List (92K)                February 1, 1998


ntia-dnsdrft.htm   Draft Proposal for New Domain Name System         January 30, 1998
korczak.txt        Boris Korczak: CIA Agent Seeks Payment            January 30, 1998
pm87.txt           Prez on Terrorist Threat to Middle East Peace     January 30, 1998

leahy-wipo.txt     Senator Leahy on Ratifying WIPO Treaties          January 30, 1998
32cfr147.txt       DoD: Policies for Access to Classified Info       January 30, 1998
32cfr148.txt       DoD: Facilities for Storing Classified Info       January 30, 1998
32cfr149.txt       DoD: National Policy on Technical Surveillance    January 30, 1998
ntia012798.htm     RFC: Self-Regulation for Privacy Protection       January 30, 1998

websoft-warn.htm   Web Software Warning                              January 29, 1998
scant-peril.htm    U.S. Spy Agencies Pauline Peril                   January 29, 1998
mossburg.htm       E-Comm Forum on E-Authentication and DigSig       January 29, 1998
pollard.htm        Bankers O Table on E-Authentication and DigSig    January 29, 1998

brown.htm          Secret Service on Financial Instruments Fraud     Janaury 29, 1998
rpk-hack.htm       Invite to Hack RPK InvisiMail                     January 29, 1998
nrc012998.txt      Generic Letter on Y2K Readiness for Nuke Plants   January 29, 1998
fc012998.txt       FinCEN RFC on Information Collection              January 29, 1998
dtc012998.txt      Arms Export to Saudi Arabia                       January 29, 1998

nsa-etc-nf.htm     NSA, Echelon, Trade & Crypto/Netscape & Fortify   January 28, 1998
dod012898.txt      DoD Blacklist of Higher Education                 January 28, 1998
47usc1002.txt      Interception of Digital and Other Communications  January 28, 1998
bxa-fy98.txt       BXA Funding FY 1998                               January 27, 1998
cia-tsang.htm      CIA Concedes Spying on Americans                  January 26, 1998

atpc.htm           Excerpt: Technologies of Political Control        January 26, 1998
us-crypto.htm      US Crypto Policy                                  January 25, 1998
pg-nzcrypto.htm    New Zealand Crypto Policy                         January 24, 1998
ra-ukcrypto.htm    UK Crypto Policy                                  January 24, 1998
whp012398.htm      Payne/Morales vs. NSA: Reply to Defendant         January 23, 1998

kellner.htm        Intellectuals and New Technologies (66K)          January 23, 1998
bxa012398.txt      BXA Penalizes Export Violator                     January 23, 1998
osd012398.txt      Compensation of North Viet-Imprisoned Operatives  January 23, 1998
dod012398.txt      Defense Dept Secret Meets                         January 23, 1998
walton-pk.htm      GCHQ: The Pre-History of Public Key Cryptography  January 22, 1998

primer             The Proliferation Primer (offsite)                January 22, 1998
acda012298.txt     Arms Control Secret Meet                          January 22, 1998
pd012298.txt       Prez Notice on Mideast Terrorism Emergency        January 22, 1998

bia012298.txt      Rule on Indian Casinos                            January 22, 1998
fc98.htm           Financial Cryptography '98                        January 20, 1998
doj-ssgsup.htm     Supplement to Fed Guide for Seizing Computers     January 20, 1998
cn-netreg.htm      New Chinese Internet Regulations                  January 20, 1998
ietf-dea-97.htm    IETF Draft Encryption Algorithms 1997             January 20, 1998

radio-rec.htm      Update: Locating Radio Receivers; Encoder Stolen  January 20, 1998
pipenet.htm        PipeNet Description                               January 20, 1998
dod012098.txt      Defense Dept Secret Meets                         January 20, 1998
bernstein12.htm    Transcript of Bernstein Hearing                   January 19, 1998

de-snoop.htm       Update: German Surveillance State                 January 17, 1998
bxa-wa-rule.htm    Update 2: BXA Rule on the Wassenaar Arrangement   January 16, 1998
pd98-10.htm        Prez OKs China's Nuclear Controls                 January 16, 1998
tcryptol           Theory of Cryptography Library (offsite)          January 16, 1998
nsasuit8.htm       USA/NSA Responds to Payne/Morales Motion          Janaury 16, 1998

dod011698.txt      Defense Dept Secret Meets                         January 16, 1998
bxa011398.txt      Materials Advisory Meet                           January 15, 1998
crypto-kong.htm    Announcing Crypto Kong                            January 15, 1998
occ-dstc.htm       OCC OKs CA as Authorized Banking Activity         January 14, 1998
aes-980820         Advanced Encryption Standard Conference (offsite) January 14, 1998

ustr010898.txt     Update: Telecommunications Trade Agreements       January 14, 1998
rc2.htm            Rivest Describes RC2 Encryption Algorithm         January 13, 1998
fc011398.txt       FinCEN Regulates Card Clubs                       January 13, 1998
ta011298.txt       Key Management Infrastructure Meet                January 12, 1998
nist011298.txt     Transmission-Electron Microscopy Meet             January 12, 1998

doa011298.txt      Army Hazard Containment Invention                 January 12, 1998
gps-jam.htm        GPS Jamming                                       January 11, 1998
arthur.htm         The Force of An Idea: Theory of USA v. Microsoft  January 10, 1998
RSA-stego.htm      Batch RSA for Stego Data                          January 9, 1998
batch-DSA.htm      Batch DSA                                         January 9, 1998

cell-track.htm     Update 2: Mobile Cell Phone Surveillance          January 9, 1998
fiat-rsa.htm       Fiat's Batch RSA                                  January 9, 1998
aes010798.htm      Update: Advanced Encryption Standard              January 9, 1998
doj010998.txt      RFC: USA v. IBM/STK Antitrust Suit                January 9, 1998
bmd010898.txt      Ballistic Missile Defense Secret Meet             January 9, 1998

nih010898.txt      Commercialization of Medical Data                 January 9, 1998
fas-pde            Prez Directives/Executive Orders (offsite)        January 7, 1998
ussc-ecopy.htm     Sentencing for Electronic Copyright Violations    January 6, 1998
mercier.htm        Terrorists, WMD, and the US Army Reserve          January 6, 1998

terror-rnd.htm     US Counterterrorism R&D Program                   January 6, 1998
belet              Bob East Letter on AP/Jim Bell/IRS (offsite)      January 6, 1998
pitfalls           Schneier: Security Pitfalls in Crypto (offsite)   January 5, 1998
dsb010598.txt      Defense Science Board Secret Meets                January 5, 1998
ntia010598.txt     Funds for Public Telecommunications               January 5, 1998

csda.htm           Cypherpunks Smartcard Developer Association       January 4, 1998
aimd-98-21.htm     Executive Guide: Info Security Management (139K)  January 3, 1998
blast-mono.htm     Blast Resistant Doors Monograph                   January 3, 1998
tempest-door.htm   Electromagnetic Shielding/TEMPEST Door            January 3, 1998
ehj.htm            Banned Basque Video: Democratic Alternative       January 3, 1998

fda010298.htm      Policy for External Penile Rigidity Devices       January 2, 1998
doe010298.htm      Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Plan            January 2, 1998
dos010298.txt      Meet on Global Communications and Info Policy     January 2, 1998
doa010298.txt      Army Science Board Meet                           January 2, 1998
